Wednesday, May 15, 2013





We couldn't have asked for a prettier day.  The weather man wasn't giving us a ton of hope, but it turns out he was wrong and no rain fell.
We had a plethora of sweet treats (and pumpkin flavored coffee) that morning poolside looking out onto the lake watching some cardinals and a river otter play.
The kids gave me some cards, poems and homemade gifts which brought tears to my eyes and a huge smile on my face!  I love those guys!

We drove to Winter Park and had an hour to kill before we went on a tour boat ride.  So we went up to the park and tossed the lacrosse ball around and Chloe also brought her scooter.

Chloe and her favorite her purse with Bunny in it!

A Winter Park Tradition - Scenic Boat Tour:

 For over 50 years, Winter Park´s world famous Scenic Boat Tour has given enjoyment to thousands. The relaxing, narrated, one hour cruise through the beautiful lakes and canals of historic Winter Park makes it a must on every person´s list. It´s really the only way to see the true beauty of Winter Park which includes Rollins College, Kraft Azalea Gardens, Isle of Sicily, tropical birds, plants, flowers and magnificent mansions.

The Scenic Boat Tour was a lot of fun...our tour guide "skipper" told us all about the history and houses.  I highly recommend this to everyone.

Looks Hunted!

Flowers and plants growing right out of the water

A Canal
There is no cover over the boats because this bridge would take it right off!  They are low and skinny canals houses along side the edges and boat garages

Chloe and Bunny

Our Skipper told us this tree was older than AMERICA and there's some amazing Spanish Moss hanging from it just over the Canal about 10 feet from the waters edge.

This boat had to back up for us... and the 5 other tour boats behind us

Our Skipper reminds us that every body of water in Florida could have these lakes do for sure and probably a LOT of alligators (one of the coves is called Alligator Cove).  Well then he says it's more likely to get hit by lightning than attacked by an alligator.  I'm not running out in a thunderstorm with a metal rod in my hand and I'm sure not going to jump in the lake as bait!
There were many people out on the water...they even have classes held out there for skiing, water boarding etc...

Someone put Christmas Tree Ornaments on this tree!

Tom Hanks rented this house out in the 80's for a Space Movie he was in.

Took advantage of the wonderful shops and eatery's down in Winter Park.  We had a wonderful lunch and a nice sweet treat afterwards!

We drove home and picked up the dogs to take them for a bit of exercise.  We went to Chloe's elementary school and let them  loose!

It looks like a safari in Africa with lions and prey...or maybe Mexican Chi hua hua's!  They were on the run and Bella really go Lucky down for the count!  There was a huge YIP from one of them!

Might be looking into doggie braces...kidding!  But seriously her teeth are hideous!

Lucy is just too cute!

Water Break...

Back to the house for some fun in the sun and pool!


Yes, Isaac is that tall!  

Hope all you mom's out there had a wonderful mother's day too!

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