Monday, August 17, 2009

San Francisco California
Day 3

Welcome to Silicon Valley! Some stops Scott wanted to make. We went by Google, but they didn't have a big funny sign or statue to take a picture of. Bummer!
We took these shots on a Monday morning so we looked pretty silly out there taking them!

We were told these windmills had been taken down to be restored and probably would be taken down again to build homes sooner than later.

This was in San Francisco at a park. We wondered around into the caves. We went in and saw this then out the other end and saw the beautiful blue ocean and rocks...

People used these concrete areas as public bathes or pools...what an amazing view. The water now is so gross and smelly! We took down a picnic lunch and sat away from the stink to eat.

The rocks were HUGE! Chloe and Scott took the first climb up. I stayed back. After the two of them were up there...Scott found an easier path for Isaac to take. Scott had said he thought it was a bit tougher than he had thought at first...then he looked up and Chloe was going quick with no problem! You Go Girl!

We walked up the trail a while and found a beautiful overlook of the area. We got to watch this seal play with his meal too! It was SO awesome!

These men were pretty brave going out on the cliff like this to fish. One slip and SEA YA..wouldn't wanna BE YA!
See the bridge in the distance...

Golden Gate Bridge

This one was taken from a far distance where the seal and fisherman were.

Pictures taken from other side of bridge


These were on the hill where we took pictures of the bridge...

Deer on the side of the road...

We then drove to another park area took a hike and here is what we saw there...

We went to the National Park with the beautiful and amazing redwoods...
Muir Woods

Chloe found this deer when we were exiting the was so close we could touch it! Not at all scared of us!

This was a GREAT day! We saw so much and did a lot of hiking and had a wonderful time.

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