Friday, February 09, 2007

This past week Chloe wasn't feeling 100%. She was saying her tummy really hurt and she felt funny. I told her if she had to throw-up then she needed to run to the toilet and do it in there. She looked puzzled so I asked her if she knew what throw-up or vomit meant...she replied NO. I proceeded to explain to her that sometimes when we get sick and our tummy's hurt our stomach then pushes the food back out our mouths and then hopefully into the toilet. Now...Chloe's face is mortified that this would actually happen to any human being. "There's no way I'm gonna do that Momma" ...Needless to say she didn't throw-up and is now a lot better. BTW she did throw-up as a baby, but thank the Lord above she doesn't remember any of that.
Unfortunately Isaac is now sick. Completely different sickness, but nonetheless he's ill.
A mothers work is never done...

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